Exhibitors | Registration file

Registration file

Registrations for the Agridagen 2024 are coming in in full. Do you want to be sure of a place on the exhibition floor? Then don't hesitate and register today. You can download the registration file below.

Do you have any questions?

Please contact our commercial manager Marc Botterman at +32 (0)9 245 36 13 or marc.botterman@agridagen.be.

Welkom op Agridagen


Agridagen will take place in the Weelde Depot, a new event complex located in the heart of a genuine agricultural region.

AgriBevents vzw

Kortrijksesteenweg 1144k
B-9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem

Tel: 09 245 36 13
Fax: 09 245 36 11


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