Our sector working groups have also prepared 3 interesting seminars for you in this edition.
In each seminar, several speakers present a challenging theme in five minutes. Our panels of livestock farmers then fillet the various racks. Afterwards you can have a nice chat with fellow farmers during a reception offered by the sponsors.
Read all about it here and participate for free.
Feeding fresh grass is on the rise. Dutch pioneers achieve up to 20 tons of dry matter per hectare. Can we project this on the Flemish dairy farmer?
MilkBE's sustainability monitor shows that we are doing well and provides tools for further sustainability.
We look at the relationship between the gross balance and the replacement rate.
Generations are changing with new ways of working and dealing with labor.
For more information: Invitation to seminar cattle Agridagen
Each concept has its own specifications (lower occupancy, natural light, etc.). This is also possible with regular or other breeds. Erik Hoeven sheds light on this matter.
Our poultry farmers work with high standards and therefore high costs. Can we compete against countries with lower standards? What is the impact of trade agreements on this issue?
For more information: Invitation seminar poultry Agridays
Colleagues use videos to show that biosafety is achievable at every company.
What are the possibilities of circularity within current pig farming?
A conscious consumer wants to know where the meat comes from. Duroc de Kempen actively worked on this.
PORK.be sees commercial opportunities within the chain and prepares the sector for new challenges.
For more information: Invitation pig Agridays seminar
We look forward to welcoming you in our seminar room!
Agridagen will take place in the Weelde Depot, a new event complex located in the heart of a genuine agricultural region.
Kortrijksesteenweg 1144k
B-9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem
Tel: 09 245 36 13
Fax: 09 245 36 11
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