The province of Antwerp supports farmers and municipalities in their search for quality space for agriculture through the agricultural compass. An agricultural compass with 27 parameters can be requested for each agricultural site. Within the provincial policy, attention is also paid to short chain, climate-robust agriculture and livestock farming. The province of Antwerp has two practical farms in the Kempen city of Geel: Hooibeekhoeve (research on dairy farming and fodder crops) and Pilot Farm Poultry Farm.
We present current projects such as Interreg MiteControl, Interreg OMELETTE, Interreg RAMBO, Life ACLIMA, Farming at standard in Oud-Turnhout and Arendonk (BOPOTA), VLAIO On Practice Culture, demonstration project BESS and others. During the fair you can talk at the provincial stand with the researchers from the Hooibeekhoeve and Proefbedrijf Pluimveehouderij pilot companies and the agriculture and horticulture advisors from the Agriculture Department of the province of Antwerp.
Themes we address: agricultural redevelopment of agricultural infrastructure, landscape integration, precision fertilization, control of tuberous cyperus, crop rotation, rumen feed, heat stress, field beans, ammonia emission reduction and more. Discover the full range at our exhibition stand during the Agri Days!